Over ons


Over ons

Lexis Language Institute is in 2017 opgericht door Despina Moysiadou. Na zo’n 9 jaar gewerkt te hebben als Griekse taaldocent besloot Despina haar passie voor taalonderwijs te delen met andere professionals en cursisten.


Het is haar visie een school te ontwikkelen waar lessen leuk, praktisch en interactief zijn. Een school met een goede sfeer en geweldige taaldocenten. Een school die zich altijd blijft ontwikkelen en geeft om elke cursist.

Onze missie

Ontmoet onze eersteklas docenten


Oprichter & docent Grieks


Docent Grieks & Project Manager


Docent Nederlands


Docent Grieks


Docent Grieks


Docent Grieks


Docent Nederlands


Docent Engels


Docent Nederlands


Docent Nederlands


Docent Nederlands


Docent Nederlands

Onze kernwaarden


Geen cursist is hetzelfde! Iedereen heeft een eigen tempo. Bij Lexis beseffen we dit en nemen we eerst de tijd om jou en je achtergrond te leren kennen. We luisteren naar je verhaal en brengen samen je doelen en manier van leren in kaart. Of je je nu wilt onderdompelen in de cultuur of je kansen op promotie vergroten, wij helpen je om het te bereiken. We stellen met zorg een curriculum samen waarmee je iedereen voorbijstreeft.

Professionele docenten

De docenten van Lexis zijn native speakers opgeleid tot professionals, en hebben ervaring met cursisten met uiteenlopende culturele achtergronden. We hebben passie voor taal en zijn gespecialiseerd in het doceren op elk niveau, van beginners tot gevorderden, alsook in zakelijk Nederlands, Engels en Grieks en examenvoorbereiding.

Leren met plezier!

Uit onderzoek blijkt dat we beter leren wanneer we het naar ons zin hebben. We werken dan ook met speelse activiteiten die je motiveren om te luisteren en te spreken! Je doet interactieve taalspellen, in groepjes of in tweetallen. We gebruiken verschillende soorten gezellige activiteiten en we leggen de nadruk op realistisch taalgebruik en interactie. Naarmate de tijd verstrijkt zul je steeds zelfverzekerder worden. Hoe meer plezier je hebt, hoe meer je zult willen leren!

Methodische aanpak & haalbare doelen

Bij Lexis zorgen we ervoor dat je taalcursus beantwoordt aan je drang naar avontuur en je honger naar kennis. We volgen de communicatieve aanpak, wat inhoudt dat alles wat je tijdens de les leert direct in het dagelijks leven toegepast kan worden. We willen je laten spreken! Tijdens het leerproces communiceer je op een effectieve manier in een scala aan situaties. We zorgen ervoor dat het leerproces leuk blijft en hebben onze cursisten indrukwekkende resultaten zien behalen met onze cursussen.

Lexis Language Institute was founded in 2017 by Despina Moysiadou. After being a Greek teacher for almost 9 years, Despina decided to share her passion about language teaching with other professionals and students.



Founder & Greek Teacher

Hello everyone, my name is Despina Moysiadou and I am a certified teacher of Greek and the founder of Lexis Language Institute. I have been trained as a language teacher at the Aristotle University in Greece and moved to the Netherlands in 2008, where I completed my master’s degree in teaching Greek as a foreign language and developed my passion for teaching. After teaching Greek for 9 years in Amsterdam, I decided to create Lexis; a school for languages where I can share my passion for languages with other trainers and with our students. I would love to meet you, listen to your story and help you on to the next step.


Docent Grieks & Project Manager

Hello everyone,

My name is Machie Georgala. I was born and raised in Greece. Living abroad, in different countries, for many years has helped me realise how important it is to learn a foreign language in order to understand new cultures and new ways of thinking. During my studies of Modern Greek Language and Culture at the University of Amsterdam, I discovered my love of teaching my mothertongue. My working experience with adults and children and my passion in teaching, in combination with my need for finding a common way of communication between people from different backgrounds and cultures, are the reasons why I have always tried to adjust my lessons according to the individual needs of my students.

Working with Despina at Lexis is a pleasure and has provided a continuous effort of improving our job quality and in creating a pleasant environment for our students.


Docent Nederlands

Hi everyone, my name is Michelle Berlijn and I’m a Dutch NT2 teacher. I love everything that has to do with languages and to learn them. For me there’s nothing more beautiful than sharing my passion with my students and seeing them grow in the new language they’re learning.

I have had the privilege of teaching English and Dutch to both adults and children in Santiago de Chile, where I also learnt to speak Spanish fluently and lived for 5 years in a totally different culture than mine. Therefore I know what it’s like to live in a foreign country, having to learn a new language and to adapt to a whole new culture. I believe that the best way to learn a language is to have fun while doing it and it is my goal to make my lessons as interactive but educative as possible for you in order to learn the language in a fun and effective way.

Besides language, I love walking in the park, painting and travelling.


Docent Grieks

From a very young age I was used to deal with two languages, Greek and Dutch, as I was raised bilingually by my Greek father and Dutch mother. My love for languages and culture resulted in studies of Modern Greek Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam. Fifteen years ago I started teaching Greek to Dutch people and I am happy that I can still do what I love most. Next to motivation and fun, I consider listening to the individual needs of students essential to make my lessons successful.

Together with Despina, the founder of Lexis, we combined our teaching experience and wrote the method Milào, a course book Modern Greek for beginners. At Lexis I work together with Despina and advise on learning methods and activities, lesson plans and everything else necessary to improve the learning experience of the students.

In my free time, I love learning new languages, cooking Greek dishes, visiting concerts and museums and travelling. I try to visit Greece at least two times a year. My favourite place in Greece? The Cyclades!


Docent Grieks

Hello everyone! My name is Marianna, originally from the beautiful island of Crete and I am a Greek language teacher. Since always, I remember myself dreaming of becoming a teacher or an astronaut and luckily one of my dreams came true; guess which!

I studied Greek language & literature in Athens and in 2015, I discovered my passion for teaching Greek as a second language. It was then that I decided to move to the Netherlands in order to experience a new culture and specialise in second language acquisition. My curiosity for constant improvement motivated me to acquire my two Masters and continue developing in multiple ways as for me learning is an eternal journey, just part of myself!

Even though I have been a Greek language teacher for approximately 10 years, I am still fascinated by the uniqueness of each class I am teaching. I listen to my students, understand their needs and create tailor-made lessons, so every class is as unique as my students! At Lexis, I teach Greek to adults cooperating closely with Despina to develop bespoke and enjoyable lessons that help you reach your language goals. Looking forward to guiding you through your learning journey!


Docent Grieks

Yassu! My name is Jenny Tsiara and I am a Greek language teacher. Born and raised in Athens, I have always been fascinated by languages. That is why I became a trained language teacher obtaining my degree from the University of Athens in Greece and my master’s degree in Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

I love teaching Greek and talking about the Greek culture. Would you like to speak Greek with your Greek partner, family and friends or you enjoy listening to the Greek music and you want to learn more about Greek food? I take everything into account and I offer tailor-made lessons. Having experience teaching in several countries, I have gained an understanding of how to accommodate individuals’ language needs.  At Lexis, I am teaching Greek to both adults and children. There is something unique and fascinating in witnessing your students’ progress. My goal is for students to learn in a fun and pleasant way; that is why for instance, I incorporate lots of speaking and interactive activities during my lessons.

When I am not teaching, you‘ll probably find me learning a new language, dancing salsa, trying new cooking recipes or traveling. My favorite place in Greece? Crete! What’s yours?


Docent Nederlands

Hello everyone, my name is Karima Belhajla. I am 33 years old and I live in Heemstede. Language teaching is an important part of my life as I started teaching at the age of 21. I am a native Dutch speaker and I teach French and Dutch. My mission is to help my students improve and become confident in speaking a language. In my opinion a language lesson should bring out the best in a student. The main ingredients of my lessons are the interaction, the real-life situations, fun and tailor-made activities. The cultural diversity of my students makes it even greater!


Docent Engels

Hello everyone! My name is Tina and I am a CELTA certified teacher of English with 8 years of experience. I have been teaching both online and in person to students of all levels and ages. I teach across various EFL subject areas including functional, conversational, business, and academic English. I focus on tailor made lessons geared towards the student’s interests and learning goals. To that end, the first lesson is spent getting to know each student discussing their goals and interests as well as assessing their level. I focus on English language learning through the four main skill sets; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Thanks for stopping by to read my bio and I look forward to seeing you in the classroom soon!


Docent Nederlands

Hi there! I am Nadine. I am a Dutch teacher and I really love my job. After a few years of studying and traveling I found out that language is the key to integrate and understand the culture of the country you are living in. I started studying in the city where I was born, Nijmegen and after that I moved to South America, where I learned how helpful it can be to speak a language. It makes you feel much more comfortable and it makes it easier to connect with the people around you. Therefore, during my Dutch classes I focus on communication and raising confidence in speaking Dutch. I would love to guide you in this process!


Docent Nederlands

I am Jamila Vriesman, teacher of Dutch as a second language. I love to dance, meet new people and learn new things. The human brain is my main field of interest and I love to combine my knowledge of the brain with the constant search for the best way to learn foreign languages. Having said that, every brain does require a different method. No standard classes, I like to make every class interesting and very “gezellig” according to your personal interests and capabilities. Let’s turn you into a Dutchie!

Sophia Beï

Docent Nederlands NT2

Hi everyone, my name is Sophia Beï. I give Dutch lessons at Lexis and I am very excited about it! I have always had a great fascination with languages; any language really from any part of the world. But what I most fascinate is how a difference in language results in a difference in culture. Every language has its very own structure and history, and I find that just beautiful To be able to teach others my very own mother tongue and to interact with my students is something great to me. I am almost bilingual since I am half Dutch and half Greek. My mother language is Dutch and I learned Greek mostly all by myself by practicing constantly so I have experience in learning a second language. This is where my love for languages and different cultures comes from, since Dutch language and culture differs a lot from Greek; I discovered little by little how this difference in language results in a difference in culture. I want to show you that learning a second language is not hard at all – on the contrary, it is really fun and a very useful thing to do. Especially when you will be able to have conversations with others in that ‘new’ language; and we will get there together!


Docent Nederlands

Hello everyone, my name is Janine Vinke and I am a teacher Dutch NT2 and Spanish. I have a master of Languages and Cultures of Latin America from the University of Leiden and studied Spanish literature and linguistics in the beautiful city of Salamanca in Spain. I worked for a Dutch company in Venezuela, so I experienced life in a foreign country with all its ups-and-downs. I believe the best way to adapt to a foreign culture is to learn the language and the local culture as soon as possible and get some local friends.

In 2015 I followed the study for NT2 teacher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I have taught Dutch to refugees, expats and migrants from level A0 to C1. So far I have worked with more than 50 nationalities which has been a very interesting and sometimes a challenging experience. I like my classes to be practical and interactive in a fun way. Together with the client, we set the goals and work towards these. In my private time I love walking with our two dogs, reading, travelling and listen to Latin American music.